A sneak peak to my crazy head..:))

Why I am born I have no clue…

Wise and enlightened said to know about self..

What is self? ! No clue other than the borrowed and tutored ideas from scriptures, and other resources….

But i have lost trust on my intellect as all logical concepts have the vulnerability of breaking…

Theologies,philosophies, techniques,explanations and experiences are at your bay…

Waves of emotions lash at you…sometimes takes the sand beneath your feet…

“Positivity”,”faith”,”reselience” all fades away…loses the charm..

They say we exist in 7 layers from gross to subtle…or body to self/soul….

When the creation is unfathomable and the magnanimity of everything weighs you down….what is the state of this being?…

Time keep moving…we are just witness…

Wise say time itself doesn’t exist…because its rooted in linear thinking and needs reference point…then what/who is this witness..and what is it!?….Then they say…go beyond scene and seer to just being….

Still keep wondering what am I!?What is this being… this question is the phantom companion of this existence…

Wonder only is a refreshing relief quenching thirst of this traveler …..

Just by diving deeper into any aspect of the creation…it reaches omniscient ..all pervading concioursness or to say nothingness….

A curious, scientific intellect has limitations…not ready to accept only possible logical conclusion of nothingness……but they say an evolved being has the capability to go beyond intellect….

Freedom from this jugglery of mind & intellect acrobatics…I rest in self…untouched, unaltered, conciousness…surrendering to the one and only…

